Are you an entrepreneur who has been through emotional trauma that has completely crashed your motivation and energy for your service-based business? This online prerecorded course will guide you through the process to feel alive again and passionate about serving your clients!
Whatever emotional trauma you have been through it is surely a very challenging experience, BUT it is not your destiny. Right now there is endless number of people who have problems that only you, as an entrepreneur, can solve with your unique talents and skills. Don’t let yourself go another day of low self-confidence, feeling empty and invisible.
With this course you will be back on your feet to serve your clients in a way that only you can. They are waiting for you. I know you are waiting for you too.
So let’s do this! YOU can do this.
See you inside the course!
This online course includes:
By joining this course, you are joining your new success with the right people around you. This means you also get:
This is a brief specification of everything that is included. Buy course now or keep reading to find out what exactly will you get from this course!
Hi, I am Nikolina and I am from Croatia, Europe. I used to work as a commercial producer, a marketing manager and a quality assurance manager. Now I have a company for internet marketing for service-based entrepreneurs.
My life completely changed in 2020 when my dear dad passed away. It was also the time when covid epidemic took over the world and we had earthquakes in Croatia. All that has left me with many physical and mental health challenges.
Having completely lost my self-confidence, passion and any direction for my work, I was thinking about closing my business. I felt lost, useless and hopeless. I thought that I don’t have any choice except to stay hidden in the dark. But then something in me said that I have so much to give to people around the world.
I decided to move forward to create choices for me, and for others. I started researching about post-traumatic stress, how brain works when we hit the rock bottom, how to awake passion and build strong foundations for a service business. I have committed to putting one foot in front of the other, and with many trials and errors, I have finally found my way towards my new success.
Now I wake up every morning excited to serve others and achieve my goals. I am so happy and grateful that I managed to get from my darkest moment to living my passion. I have created this course to show you how you can do the same!
In this course you will get 3 modules:
Through those modules you will:
You came here at the right time! I am super happy to announce that this course is available with discount NOW! I want all this knowledge and tools that worked great for me (and still do!) to be available to as many people possible around the world. I want to help entrepreneurs to get back after their emotional trauma to serve their clients.
Price = 97 EUR
Regular price = 349 EUR
If you are not sure whether this course “Powerful Entrepreneur After Emotional Trauma” is exactly what you need right now, feel free to book a free 15min call with me. Click on the button below and on the next page send me a message. In your message please let me know what is the best day and time for you to have a short 15min call. I will get back to you as soon as possible to set the date.
I am looking forward to meet you!
There are many people out there who have needs and problems that ONLY YOU can satisfy and solve in your unique way. Stop sitting in the dark and bring your light to those who need you. It took me 2 years to figure out how to make this change and become a powerful entrepreneur after emotional trauma. With this course you can do it way faster!
See you inside the course!